Thursday, November 29, 2007


*The blog I read was titled Michelle Malkin you can see it by clicking here

The contents on this blog mainly focus on the upcoming election, political views, diversity, and differences in the classroom. She has a very interesting lay out and I love the way she breaks everything up and makes it very easy to find what your looking for. I think it would be important in the education world for teachers, this would help them stay up with the changes in the white house, as long as the diverse situations their students might be coming from, and their rights. She touches on the controversy at the University of Delaware and their residential life. Ethnic segregation is still a major issue at this school, and i think its great she touched on this subject, this is a very important situation and the points she makes are good ones, i truly enjoyed reading this article. This is a very good blog, i don't know how useful it is but its very informative, and shes a reporter so she has a lot of insightful views. Most of the stories she touches on I had never even heard so it was very interesting to read the interesting articles.

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