Monday, September 24, 2007

Teacher Blogs #2

The next blog I found was for the Lafargeville Central School District, this blog allows teachers from the whole district to post blogs for the students and their parents, to inform them what there students are doing each day, and what special events are coming up. My favorite blog on this site was Mrs. Jennifer Corrons, heres the Link

And a Picture from the site.

School Blogs #1

The first blog site I found was for Grandview Elementary School. Their blog is very elaborate and has many links, where the children and there parents can find information about the school and important things going on in there community. They use bright colorful pictues and even a spot where you can listen to stories called the listening center.

This is a picture from the blog.
This is a link to the blog

Monday, September 17, 2007

Creating Links and Adding Pictures to a Blog

To add a link to a page we can either write the html code or use the tools that Blogger has built in. The tool to add a link looks like a link of a chain. This is a link to The Fischbowl , a blog used in training teachers in technology at the Arapahoe CO High School in Littleton, CO.

Here is a picture of the High School.

Help for everyone!

ACCESS can be used by both students and teachers. It allows access to advanced courses, and more courses that are offered. It also provides teachers with more sources and more helpful ways to enhance your students learning expierience. Another great feature is the way it helps you make your courses available over the internet to make it easier for the students. There is also coursework available, that most teachers may not know about, and this will enable them to make sure their students learn everything that they possibly need to know to move on to the next level. This website was also very helpful and is another site that will make my first year of teaching alot easier.


This website will be very useful once i start teaching. It has everything you need to get started right there in one website. It has the curriculum and also lesson plans right there it would be very easy to get my plans in order and will also cut off some time since ill be doing all of my work in one place. There are activities and a workplace that I can use for projects and interesting things I find that I can do with my students. I really cant wait to put it to use in my classroom! Only two more years! haha

Shift Happens..

This video was very interesting yet scary at the same time. If all that about education is true then it makes me wonder what is the point, if what im learning now will be outdated in 3 years, why am i working so hard to remember it all? Its also very scary to learn that in the future computers will be able to out smart the human race. So eventually computers will run the world, more than they already are. Wow that video really makes you take a long look at life and think about the choices you are making every day. I just hope we all will be prepared when shit happens.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

What a weekend....

So this weekend was not a time of relaxation for me :( i had to work all weekend and I got sick... Im still sick and I feel like crap, im trying really hard to get all my homework done for tomorrow and its not going so good. I finished my powerpoint yesterday and Im pretty excited about that! But I still have to write 2 papers and do some math homework, hope I get it all done! Hope everyone else had a better weekend than me! *Paige*

Monday, September 3, 2007

Why I'm here....

Okay so my full name is Paige Nicole Wade, and im originally from Gainesville, Georgia its about 45 min north of Atlanta.... You'll learn more about my hometown in my powerpoint. I played softball at Alabama Southern Community College in Monroeville Alabama for 2 years, I had originally decided to go back home and finish college, but most of my credits wouldnt transfer so I decided to finish up my schooling here at USA. Since I was a little girl I have wanted to be a teacher, so thats what im doing. Im in my Junior year and should be finishing up in 2009! Anyways you'll learn more about me in class from my powerpoint! I love school so far, and am learning to manage my stress! *Paige*